about me ...

photo of a woman with auburn hair and glasses

I've lived in France, Canada, Australia and now England at more addresses than I can count. Moving constantly as a child, teenager and also as an adult has kept me on the outside looking in much of my life. It has given me an obsession with characters who don't belong or find themselves in unfamiliar places. 


Along the way, I have always lived in my own world. As a result I spend a lot of time talking to myself. Oh, and Scooby (below). Talking to yourself - and holding endless imagined conversations in your mind - are good practice for being a writer. I always made up detailed stories and loved to play with words. 


But it was a long journey. I've been a scientist, a lawyer, an optometrist; I've managed businesses, worked in secondary schools and libraries. Writing and stories always continued in the background, but it wasn't until I moved to England in 2004 that they took over.

A few FAQ:

Photo of fluffy apricot cockapoo

Where did you get such a silly name?


No, my parents weren't that cruel! I married into it. I am actually a Teresa though was always called Teri. I would never have changed my name on marriage otherwise, but the humour of being 'Teri Terry' was too much of a draw. I have regretted it now and then. Usually when trying to make an appointment on the phone.


What was your first book?


Slated - the first in a young adult dystopian trilogy - was my first book to be published. But it was the ninth one I wrote! Most of them were written for teens or children, and a few for adults. Learning to write and plot properly take time. 


My first adult novel, The Patient, published on 13th February 2024 with Bookouture.


Where were you born? Where did you live? What did you do?


I was born in France, my dad was born in the Netherlands, my mother's parents were born in Finland, and my mother was born in Canada. We lived in Canada from when I was a baby, but moved around all the time as my dad was in the airforce. I did science (microbiology) and law in Canada, and was a lawyer for a few years before moving to Australia. I went back to university there and became an optometrist - also known as an optician in some places - testing people's eyes. I did this for quite a while before moving to the UK. In the UK I've worked in optics, schools, a charity and libraries. Now I'm writing full time.


Are any of your books going to become films or TV?


I hope so! There are discussions being had here and there, so watch this space.


If there is a movie, can I be in it?


I will have no say in casting whatsoever. If there is any news about casting, I will post it about far and wide!


I'm doing a school project on your books. Can you tell me the themes, explain stuff, and tell me all about yourself?


No. Sorry, I can't do your homework for you! If you want information on me or my books, this website is a good place to start. But if you google my name for interviews and so on you might find more.